Questions and Answers

Below find answers to a few common questions.  Feel free to get in touch or fill out the contact form for further information.

What services do you provide?

We always welcome a call or to set up a consultation to go over our full list of services, but a partial list can be found on our services page.

Can I make an appointment by e-mail?

We encourage you to make your appointment by telephone, but you can e-mail us at or visit our contact page.

What is the difference between a DDS and a DMD?

There’s no real difference. DMD stands for Doctor of Medical Denistry, while DDS stands for Doctor of Dental Surgery. Some dental schools confer a DMD title, while others use the DDS title degree.

What are your hours?

Our hours are 8 am-5 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

We are closed Wednesdays and weekends.

Please contact us to book an appointment.

What if I have a dental emergency?

Call us immediately at 650-321-7270. We will do our best to schedule you promptly. You should dial 9-1-1 for a serious or life-threatening emergency

What insurance do you accept?

We accept most PPO dental plans. For more information click here.

When should I bring my child to the dentist?

Good dental practices should become a part of your child’s daily routine. We suggest you start your child’s first dental visits around age 3. Our friendly team takes extra care to explain procedures to young patients and makes a special effort to keep them relaxed and comfortable. We have particular experience in caring for children with behavioral or emotional problems. Children can select a special reward from our treasure chest at the end of their visit.

Do I need to replace my old metal fillings?

The average amalgam (metal) filling lasts at least 15 to 20 years, although normal wear and tear, as well as individual habits can cause them to wear down, chip, fracture, or fall out sooner. If your fillings are defective or show decay, they should be replaced. Our philosophy is to get as much life as possible out of all fillings.

My teeth are discolored. How can I make them whiter?

Teeth can become discolored by age, trauma, medications taken when you are young, or by some foods and drinks. Surface stains can be removed with a professional cleaning. Deeper stains are best treated with bleaching agents. There are three major types of bleaching agents: strips you can buy at a drug store, in-office treatments, and take-home trays with gel. The take-home trays with gels are considered the most effective.

What can I do about a chipped front tooth?

If your tooth is broken, chipped, or fractured, see us as soon as possible to prevent further damage. A small chip can be repaired by a procedure called bonding, which uses a tooth-colored composite resin. A more complex repair may involve a thin shell of tooth-colored porcelain or resin composite called a veneer.

What kind of toothbrush should I use?

It’s a matter of personal preference since both manual and powered toothbrushes can clean your teeth well. A soft-bristled brush and a small head are preferable. Replace your toothbrush when it begins to show wear—about every three to six months for most people.

Do I need a crown after a root canal?

Not always; it depends on the location. Most molars and premolars will need a crown after the root canal treatment to protect the tooth from fracturing. Most front teeth do not need crowns after root canal treatment but may be better off with a veneer.

Can implants replace my dentures?

While many people wear dentures without discomfort, implants are the preferred treatment for replacing lost teeth. Implants are often the best long term option.

When or why do my wisdom teeth need to be removed?

If there is not enough room we suggest they come out or if you are unable to keep them clean.